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New head coach at Forres Mechanics Youth Development

By Garry McCartney

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Forres Mechanics' Youth Development accept a cheque for £1000.10p from sponsors TSB Forres. The local branch has raised well in excess of £2000 over the last two seasons for new kit and three-quarter size goals for the U13s. Pictured (from left) Cans youth development coordinator Dave McCartney, Jackie Douglas from TSB, Cans youth treasurer Ann Ewing, Judith Henderson of TSB and Cans youth head coach Allan Frisken.
Forres Mechanics' Youth Development accept a cheque for £1000.10p from sponsors TSB Forres. The local branch has raised well in excess of £2000 over the last two seasons for new kit and three-quarter size goals for the U13s. Pictured (from left) Cans youth development coordinator Dave McCartney, Jackie Douglas from TSB, Cans youth treasurer Ann Ewing, Judith Henderson of TSB and Cans youth head coach Allan Frisken.

THE NEW Year saw a new head coach take over at Forres Mechanics Youth Development (FMYD).

Former Forres Thistle player and Mechanics under-15 coach, Allan Frisken (47), accepted the position with former head Charlie Brown taking up the role of Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer.

Mr Frisken has been a coach with FMYD since 2016 and closely involved with youth football in the Elgin area for many years.

He is a Scottish Football Association C-Licence holder and has built up a reputation for demanding high standards of effort, application and conduct ... with a strong dash of humour. His effectiveness can be seen with the current U15 squad being described as the strongest group of youth players ever seen at the club.

Mr Frisken is appreciative of the strides made by FMYD under the guidance of his predecessor.

He said: "Under Charlie’s leadership, the club has been established on a very firm financial footing and his encouragement of coaches to gain the highest level of qualifications possible has paid dividends. I am excited to be taking over at such a positive moment and look forward to working with the coaches and boys to take their development on to the next level.

"In particular, I look forward to extending links with like-minded groups in our community to improve access to facilities and nurture the health and football skills of players whatever their age."

The move is seen as a win-win scenario for the club at all levels. Charlie Brown relinquishes his youth head coach duties but continues as coach with the first team. Taking on the role of Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer will allow him to develop and apply his expertise in an area which has grown in importance over the last few years.

He said: "Health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance to all at the Mechanics. We want all players, parents, coaches and backroom staff to work in an environment which will help them to thrive and be happy. I will be working closely with Doc Anderson who has done such great work with us as Child Protection Officer. His experience and wise counsel will be invaluable as we move forward to continuously improve."

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