A gay man has opened up on how his perception of same-sex marriage has changed over the years.
A retired Moray doctor has been rewarded for his long service to the Scottish Liberal Democrats.
A councillor broke down in tears while apologising for the way her administration group has handled library closure proposals.
New analysis shows that Speyside Glenlivet has more than three times the proportion of short-term lets compared to the Moray average.
The Transport Secretary’s response after waiting months before the publication of a major report was called an ‘insult’ to people in the North East.
A broadcaster breached impartiality regulations in an interview with Moray’s former MP.
Scotland’s transport secretary has been challenged to drive the A96 between Inverness and Aberdeen and has been accused of “running scared”.
A private school has scrapped a major deal with a firm owned by an alleged Chinese spy with links to Prince Andrew.
The outcome of the A96 Corridor Review was handed to Transport Secretary Fiona Hyslop three months before its publication.
A north MSP has urged the Scottish Government to back the country’s beef farmers.