Police issue warning over basking shark disturbances off Moray and Aberdeenshire coasts
Over the last few days Police Scotland has received reports about basking sharks, spotted in Aberdeenshire and Moray, being disturbed by people getting too close to them.
Reports have been made of some vessels, paddle boarders and kayakers getting close to these animals and potentially causing a disturbance to them.
Wildlife Crime and Environmental Officer, Constable Hannah Corbett said: “These animals are wonderful to watch but I would encourage people to remember that they are a protected species and it is an offence to deliberately or recklessly disturb them.
“If you are out on the water and lucky enough to see a basking shark near you or your vessel, avoid making changes in speed or direction.
"Please keep your distance and do not chase or attempt to feed or touch them.
“If you see anything that you suspect to be causing Marine Wildlife disturbance, report it to Police Scotland by calling 101.”
Everyone should follow the Scottish Marine Wildlife Watching Code.