Fire service reveal change in response to unwanted fire alarm signals
FIREFIGHTERS across the north of Scotland responded to more than 6600 unwanted fire alarm signals last year – the equivalent of around 18 a day.
The figure has been revealed as the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) gets ready to change the way it responds to unwanted fire alarm signals (UFAS).
From July 1, 2023 an alarm activation will require those with fire safety responsibility, known as dutyholders, to investigate the cause of an alarm and only call 999 once a fire has been confirmed. This approach is already embedded across several other UK fire and rescue services, who require a confirmed fire before they send fire appliances.
The change in response will affect all premises and businesses who do not provide sleeping accommodation. Hospitals, care homes, hotels, student accommodation and domestic dwellings will continue to receive the current level of emergency response.
Workplaces are being reminded to provide adequate training for staff on the new process and put in place fire safety provisions.
Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Stephen Wood is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Head of Service Delivery for the North of Scotland.
He said: "We will continue to work with dutyholders to help them better understand their obligations, but I must stress the importance of having adequate training in place for staff and ensuring appropriate fire safety provisions are in place within your premises.
"By changing our response to these types of incidents, we can potentially free up 64,000 hours every year giving firefighters more time for other activities, such as training and fire safety prevention work.
“There are benefits to businesses too by preventing these incidents from happening in the first place. On average, every unwanted fire alarm signal interrupts business for around 27 minutes each time.”
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s North region covers areas including Moray, Aberdeenshire and Highland, as well as the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland.
Unfortunately, most signals from automatic fire alarm systems are not actual fires – they are false alarms often caused by cooking fumes, dust or a lack of maintenance.
The forthcoming changes follow the outcome of a public consultation held in 2021. The business advice pages on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service website has guidance to help dutyholders get ready.