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Forres Friends of Woods and Fields welcome community to open day at Chapleton on Saturday to enjoy food, drink and a variety of family entertainment

Homemade food and drink at the event last summer.
Homemade food and drink at the event last summer.

An environmental charity is inviting the community to a free outdoor event this weekend.

Forres Friends of Woods and Fields (FFWF) are holding an open day from 11am-5pm on Saturday, September 16 at Chapleton field behind Sanquhar Pond to enjoy food, drink, and entertainment, as well as to show what has been achieved so far at the site and hear about plans for the future.

FFWF chairman Nick Molnar confirmed music will be provided by vocal harmony duo The Hekates, Paddy Atkinson on guitar and Iain Findlay on highland pipes, men’s choir Sounds Deep, and sets from folk singers Sabine Mehlberg and Annie Gervaise.

He added: “There will be a hands-on grinding of our homegrown wheat and barley, Clare Fennell of Bruntlands Bakery will be talking about the ‘Scotland the Bread’ project we are members of, and for children, there will be stories, slackline walking, ponies and alpacas, nature and craft tables and a chance to try old fashioned woodworking crafts, including greenwood pole lathe turning and spoke shaving with draw knives.”

Arts and crafts will feature again this year ...
Arts and crafts will feature again this year ...

Woodland project manager, Mick Drury, is looking forward to showing off the community and children’s gardens.

He said: “This year has seen deer fencing and a new polytunnel added, now filling up with summer produce. We also got a grant from Moray Council’s Developer Obligations for a strimmer to keep our native tree saplings from being overcome by bracken, as well as hand tools for the community garden, and crop protection to keep the vegetables safe from birds and insects. These improvements have encouraged a growing number of enthusiastic volunteers to join in our activities, helping to make this beautiful part of Forres into a living landscape!”

Mick added that attendees form new friendships, acquire new skills and produce fresh, healthy food to take home.

As well as enjoying the music, country dancing, a ‘fungal foray’ with mushroom expert Daniel Lacasta, harvesting, woodland tours and more during the open day, FFWF hope to encourage more members of the community to be a regular part of the project.

“There’s always scope for new volunteers,” said Mick, “Whether you are young or old, unskilled or skilled, brawny or dainty. Come along and see for yourselves, speak to members of the team and enjoy the day.”

Food, bakes, coffee and tea will be provided by the Forres Coffee House. For more information email forresfriends@gmail.com or call 07760929566.

... As will guided tours and storytelling.
... As will guided tours and storytelling.

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