Moray jobs fair set to highlight wide range of career paths
New career paths in a number of different sectors could beckon thanks to an upcoming jobs fair
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) are delighted to kick off this year with a recruitment event entitled Moray Jobs and You, which will be held on a drop-in basis.
This is due to take place on Wednesday, January 29 between 11am and 12 noon.
At the time of writing, the following firms and organisations with vacancies to offer have signed up for the event: Baxters; Brightworks; Global Highland; Moray Council Catering; Moray Council HR; Moray Council Open Spaces; Tesco; Walkers.
It should be noted that this list may change in the run-up to the event
The jobs fair will be held at Moray Pathways Hub, @The inkwell, Francis Place, Elgin, IV30 1LQ.
Keyworkers/support workers wishing to bring along their customers who require help to attend are welcome.
DWP customers who require more information should either speak to their work coach or email