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Drop in road deaths in Moray and Aberdeenshire

The number of people dying on the North East's roads is continuing to fall, according to the latest figures.

Last year 19 road deaths occurred across Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen.

By comparison, the average number of deaths during the five-year period from 2015 to 2019 was slightly higher at 21.

However, it marks a huge reduction from another five-year period – 2004 to 2008. Back then the average number of annual fatalities was 46.

Ewan Wallace, the chairman of Road Safety North East Scotland, stated the figures were to be welcomed.

He said: "For several years we have seen steady reductions occurring, but we can’t be complacent.

"We must ensure there is an ongoing focus on local road casualty reduction.

"All of us have a responsibility to use roads safely and carefully.

"We also need to be aware of our surroundings, anticipate what may lie ahead in our journey and be particularly mindful when encountering vulnerable road users such as children, pedal cyclists and pedestrians.

"The increase in the numbers of both pedestrians and pedal cyclists during the COVID-19 pandemic period is obvious, and we need to be mindful of their vulnerabilities when using the road."

The figures show there were 511 people injured on the road last year.

That is a drop from the average annual figure of 661 road casualties between 2015 and 2019.

It's also a steep reduction from the 1550 who were injured on average between 2004 and 2008.

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