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Woman's body discovered at local beauty spot

By SPP Reporter

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AN eldery woman’s body was recovered from the waters of the River Findhorn at the weekend.

Grampian Police confirmed that following a call from a concerned member of the public, they recovered the individual at Randolphs Leap, at approximately 9.30am on Sunday.

The river gorge which has extremely fast flowing water and treacherous rocky outcrops, is a popular spot with tourists and local walkers.

It has already claiemd one victim - in the 1980s an elderly female photographer was swept to her death there after a sudden surge in water levels.

Police were assisted on Sunday, by members of the Scottish Ambulance Service, Coastguard Service and the RAF Search and Rescue helicopter.

The woman - whose details are being withheld until next of kin are informed - was taken to Raigmore Hospital, Inverness.

Her death is being treated as unexplained. A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

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